Competition Analysis

SAM Calculation

SOM Calculation

TAM: MONET is targeting the $335 billion global media and entertainment agency market, with a focus on a $47.6 billion serviceable available market (SAM).

Our initial go-to-market strategy further narrows down our focus to the $21 billion brand content (influencer marketing) industry, which is growing at 26% YoY.

Goldman Sachs Equity Research desk recently released a report stating that the creator economy is worth $250B and on track to be a $480B economy by 2027, backing up our own analysis as above. A large market, growing quickly, and changing even more rapidly.

Goldman Sach Research Creator Economy Apr 23.pdf

There are further reputable sources that value the wider creative economy to hold a TAM of approximately $1 Trillion, such The Policy Circle’s Creative Brief.

SAM: 95.1 billion USD, covering UK and US markets. We estimate that of the global TAM, MONET will focus on UK and US agencies which make up 76% of the TAM ($190bn).

Within this segment, we can realistically target 40-60% of these companies due to our specific offering in tech-driven financing, campaign management, and back-office. So taking a middle-ground approach with 50% penetration:

UK SOM: In 2 years, MONET aims to capture a serviceable obtainable market (SOM) that captures largely UK customers, generating £66m in ARR from 850 customers.

There are currently other fintechs and financing companies in the creative economy, but MONET’s approach, embedding financial tools within agency workflows, differentiates us from traditional fintechs. By integrating financing and payments directly into existing agency processes, MONET is building defensive moats that will position us as the category leader in this evolving and rapidly growing sector.